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About Us

West Cornwall Women's Aid is a vibrant and restorative organisation, supporting women and children in Cornwall. Our service users are at the heart of our operation – they have a central voice which we work to amplify by listening and responding to their needs. The services we offer aim to give women and children a safe space, where they can relax and rebuild through the practices most appropriate to them. We recognise that there are multiple, complex responses to processing trauma, and as such there needs to be a variety of ways to support women and children who are experiencing/have experienced it – be it through counselling, therapeutic groups, outreach work or community groups.

At WCWA we acknowledge that while domestic abuse can be experienced by a range of people, it is gendered and the most prevalent perpetration is by men against women. We work to a feminist understanding of violence against women and girls, recognising that abuse takes place in the context of the patriarchy. We stand against misogyny, and use our platform to challenge and educate.

WCWA takes an intersectional approach to our work, recognising that diversity in our organisation makes us stronger and better informed to support women and children. We are inclusive and against discrimination in all its forms.

WCWA is built on the continuing work of women joining together to create an organisation that supports, shelters, empowers and restores women who have experienced domestic abuse. Our refuge is a safe, warm space for women who have left abusive homes. Our community building and the work that takes place there aims to provide a similar accessible space, through craft groups, yoga classes and coffee mornings, alongside our therapeutic groups, individual counselling, guided self-help and wellbeing work.

A huge thank you to our main funders

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