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World Menopause Day 2023

October 18, 2023

Roughly half the world's population will experience a life-changing health condition, which if ignored could contribute to an increase in disease and illness, an increase in mental health issues and an increased likelihood of job loss and relationship breakdown.

Historically, this health condition has been stigmatised and talk around it silenced, because of ingrained societal sexism and ageism. People experiencing symptoms have felt embarrassed and ashamed to talk about what they're going through.

On World Menopause Day, we want to amplify the existing conversations taking place about menopause, and encourage new conversations to start. We want to expand and share understanding of perimenopause.

We want to recognise the impact of menopause on physical and mental well-being, and help breakdown the stigma surrounding the symptoms.

We are committed to supporting our staff and service users going through perimenopause and menopause, and reflecting those lived experiences in the support we offer.

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